Fond. Casa di Cura San Giuseppe – San Martino Buon Albergo

Perks you'd never get living at home

Onilife amenities offer the luxurious and carefree lifestyle your loved one deserves. From spacious apartments to pools, fitness centers and more, life at Onilife is designed to encourage our residents to stay involved in social activities, physically active as they are able, and connected to the community.

Gorgeous outdor spaces

Full-service salon and spa

Movie theater

Pet-friendly apartments

Spacious lobby, common room

Activity room


Fitness center

Indoor pool

Covered parking

Private Dining Room


La Fondazione Casa di Riposo San Giuseppe – O.n.l.u.s. ha per scopo istituzionale – senza finalità alcuna di lucro - lo svolgimento di attività nel settore dell’assistenza sociale e socio sanitaria e della beneficenza.

La Nostra Storia

La sua fondazione risale al 1896 con la presenza delle “Piccole Suore della Sacra Famiglia” inviate dal loro fondatore, Beato Giuseppe Nascimbeni


La Fondazione Casa di Riposo San Giuseppe – O.n.l.u.s. ha per scopo istituzionale – senza finalità alcuna di lucro - lo svolgimento di attività nel settore dell’assistenza sociale e socio sanitaria e della beneficenza.


Sono organi della Fondazione: il Consiglio di Amministrazione, il Presidente e l’Organo di revisione contabile.

Perks you'd never get living at home

Our benefits

Everything from scheduled excursions and community events to crafting or your favorite television show. Enjoy happy hours in the Sky Lounge and cooking classes in the demonstration kitchen. Your life is about to take a turn for the best surrounded by friends, and oh-so busy!

About us

What are people saying about us?

We believe the words of our satisfied residents and family members paint the most honest picture of what Onilife
is truly about.
“The attentiveness, skilled backgrounds of all members of staff to just the kindest actions and words expressed to our family member living at Onilife is so appreciated each and every day.”
Frank Boris
Annapolis, Maryland